
What dream would you choose to manifest now if you had mastered the techniques to do so? Would you manifest a spiritual  awakening  experience? A soulful relationship with the love of your life? A Healing of your body or mind? A beautiful home you’ve been dreaming of? Or enough prosperity to help out your loved ones? Whatever it is you are wishing for, I can teach you how to make it your reality! My Kundalini Awakening, Healing and Manifesting Workshop and Course are powerful! Each and every one of us has our own Inner Alchemy and Magical Processes and Divine Gift within we can all achieve our Dreams and our Divine Life Now!



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KUNDALINI AWAKENING, HEALING & MANIFESTING 1-1 WORKSHOP COURSE                                                          

The purpose of your life is to be awakened to your Divinity within, to be healed in body and mind and to manifest your Dreams and be joyful. Kundalini Awakening purifies mind, body, soul out of the ego, the three lower Chakras and raises your vibration to have a Kundalini experience-these experiences are blissful, harmonious and gives profound oneness and illumination. Kundalini Healing will uplift you to heal many physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual problems, it dissolves stress, and brings self-love, self-peace and well-being. Kundalini Manifesting brings you into alignment where you touch the Quantum Divine Mind to have, be or do anything you wish. We all have our own Inner Alchemy and Magical Processes within and we all save ourselves and create our own lives, and now it is possible for us to achieve higher levels of consciousness by using our biological rhythms, astrological energies and holy divine gift within to achieve Kundalini Awakening, Healing and Manifestation now!


My mission is to help you awaken, heal, manifest, and embody your True Self so you may use your Kundalini Shakti energy, your Divine Imagination, and your Sacred Heart to feel and visualise the greatest outcome for your life which benefits the whole world. 

My Workshop and 5 Week Course will give you the techniques, inspiration and motivation to perform your spiritual practices and achieve incredible results! I teach you about your energy and chakra systems, how to raise your vibration and guide you into meditations. I take you into the state of Alpha which is the deep relaxed, peaceful, creative state where you access subconscious materials and your imagination is sharper. I guide you to re-energize your aura-energetic bodies and open your heart to feel Divine Love. I help you release any fears, blocks or limiting beliefs and transform negative patterns which allows you as your Higher-Self and not as your ego-self to be in balance and alignment. You shall experience Future Life Progression where you see your future self and anchor high energy vibrations to bring back positive intentions, ideas and guidance!

We tap into your Soul Potential which is your Kundalini Spiritual/Sexual energy and with special Energy Practices/Meditations, Opening Your Chakra’s and Breathing Techniques, we raise this energy to give free flow of Kundalini through your body and up to the Third Eye Chakra. Here you unite your Divine Mind and Sacred Heart to reprogramme and impress your subconscious mind with positive intentions, feelings and vibrations to the Quantum field so you may manifest your spiritual or material goals, well-being, life purpose or relationship dreams, wishes. When you relax, let go, surrender you receive intuitive guidance, deep insights, mystical experiences, inspired ideas, future possibilities and initiate wonderful breakthroughs.

You shall also receive a Diet/Lifestyle Plan to eliminate meat and dairy consumption as these dense Acidic foods block the flow of the spiritual sacred seed and Kundalini rising and you shall learn to consume Alkaline foods which give the bodily environment optimum health benefits and heighten your vibration for Kundalini to flow beautifully through your energetic system.

I am Joanne-Divine Life Yogini! I have been a Yoga, Meditation, Kundalini, and Spiritual Teacher for 22 years. I am a Future Life Progression Practitioner and a credited Kundalini Energy Yoga Teacher. I am an Interviewer for UK Health Radio and Watkins books, an Author and Speaker on Yoga, Well-being, and Spirituality. I was trained in Dynamic Hatha Yoga and initiated to teach Kundalini Kriya Yoga by the world-renowned Master Sat Guru Yogiraj Siddhanath. I was trained in Future Life Progression with Anne Jirsch who is a futurist and leading pioneer in Future Life Progression.

THE 2 HOUR KUNDALINI AWAKENING, HEALING & MANIFESTING 1-1 WORKSHOP    Is wonderful for you to receive initial special Energy Practice of Opening Your Chakra’s, Meditation, Breathing Techniques to begin your journey. You can choose which area you would like to develop Awakening, Healing, or Manifestation and we focus on this specific area. I teach you to meditate and focus upon your Third Eye Chakra, and go Quantum! I give you a few of my Yogini Secrets to raise your vibration and clear toxic energy. This Workshop includes;

Alignment of intentions, of what you wish to achieve, awaken, heal or manifest. Also on your Zodiac sign and guidance on practice.

Going into Alpha as I guide you to re-energize your aura-energetic bodies and open your heart for you to feel Divine Love and heightened emotions.

Future Life Progression session is an incredible practice where we tap into your future 5-year life, anchor high energy vibrations and bring back positive intentions, ideas and guidance.

Tapping into your Soul Potential through Kundalini Practice which allows Spiritual/Sexual Kundalini energy to open your Chakra’s and Breathing Techniques, Meditation, and using Energetic Alchemy principles so you may shift your energetic frequency for alignment & manifestation.

This is £125 Zoom- £165 in person please book at top of page


THE 5 WEEK KUNDALINI AWAKENING, HEALING & MANIFESTING 1-1 COURSE assists you in having a regular weekly 2.5 hour workshop practice so these deeper powerful teachings, techniques, breath-work, meditations and energy practices can be absorbed and remembered for you to perfect and practice alone which shall help you achieve awakening, healing or manifestation. I teach you about your energy and chakra system, take you into Alpha and guide you to re-energize your aura-energetic bodies and open your heart for you to feel Divine Love and heightened emotions. I give you all my Yogini Secrets to raising your vibration and clearing toxic energy and looking incredible! In this course I teach you how to get into a deeper states of meditation, how to stimulate, open your Third Eye Chakra to go Quantum to manifest and with our weekly practices you shall receive the results you want! This Course includes;

1 hour initial call to align on intentions, expectations of what you wish to achieve, awaken, heal or manifest.    Also info on your Zodiac sign which we shall use and guidance on deeper teachings of how to practice.

1 x 2 hour Future Life Progression session which is an incredible practice that allows us to tap into your future 5 year, 10 year and Ultimate Divine Life, anchor high energy vibrations and bring back positive intentions, ideas and guidance! It helps you to focus on what you truly want in life!

5 x 2.5 hour in depth workshops over 5 weeks where we tap into your Soul Potential which is your Kundalini Spiritual/Sexual energy and with special Energy Practices/Meditations, Opening Your Chakra’s and Breathing Techniques and using Energetic Alchemy principles to g Quantum as you shift your energetic frequency for alignment & manifestation.

1 personalized guided hypnotherapy/meditation session in MP3 to shift your subconscious beliefs for  awakening, healing or magnetic manifestation that you can re-listen to time & time again for deep subconscious change.

1 Pranic Sun Energy Cleanse-Healing Technique which re-energizes your whole system.

1 Bespoke 5 minute Mind Movie

1 Bespoke Weekly Diet/Lifestyle Plan tailored specifically to your needs

1 Yogic Detox Video

1 Yoga Video

Unlimited email/messenger support so we can have frequent check ins, and to give you motivation in your practice when you are feeling low.

I really recommend this in-depth course as I can guide and motivate you on a weekly basis that suits your schedule over Zoom or in-person to receive powerful results.                                                                    This is £935 on Zoom-£1,235 in person, please book at top of page.

You can email me at joanne@divinelifeyoga.co.uk or just give me a call on 07821958577 if you have any questions or if you would like to pay for the 5 Week Course in 2 installments!

I put all my wisdom, knowledge and loving spiritual guidance into helping you achieve a healthy body, positive mind, peaceful soul, and to accomplish your life purpose, your soulful relationship and have an abundant life or whatever your personal goal is! You have the Divine Loving Self within and my passion and mission is to empower you to empower yourself to Awaken, Heal and Manifest your Divine Life Now!


Johann Ilgenfritz CEO UK Health Radio recommends Divine Life Yogini.February 2020 An amazing experience and something I can only urge everyone to partake in. I am seeing so may breakthroughs, releasing blocks and feel deep peace and joy. Thank you Joanne for your masterful guidance through this Kundalini workshop!

Jane Hutchison  CEO Hello Love Charity recommends Divine Life Yogini. January 17th 2020.  My Kundalini 5 Week Course was a beautiful experience. Everything flowed so easily, I learned incredible insights about myself and it left me feeling very uplifted, enlightened and excited about how amazing my future can be. Before Joanne and I worked together, I was struggling with the direction I wanted to go with my new business, as well as knowing how to build my audience and clientele. Through our work together, she helped me to find so much more clarity around my mission and to know my true life purpose and she helped me embrace my spiritual self! Joanne  naturally puts you at ease and delivers a quality course. I now have the techniques to focus on my Dreams and they are already being manifested!

Kundalini Shakti energy is our soul potential and power! It is a form of intensified Life-Force Prana which lies as light, sound vibrations potentially coiled three and one-half times at the base of the spine. Kundalini practices and breathing techniques are a form of life-force spinal breathing that magnetize the spine, pulling the Kundalini energy up out of the lower chakras and into the higher chakras. This brings Kundalini to all body systems and raises it to The Third Ventricle-The Holy Grail  in our brain where the master magical Pituitary, Pineal and Hypothalamus glands  secrete feel good, blissful hormones of Melatonin, Serotonin and Dopamine. The Third Eye Chakra is the Pineal gland which is known as the light of the world, it releases a masculine electrical potion which is known as “sacred honey,” (this contains DMT) and the Pituitary gland releases the feminine magnetic potion, “sacred milk” ( Amarita-Divine Nectar).  Every month you produce a spiritual sacred seed that your Kundalini energy raises to stimulate these glands which propagates the incredible alchemical process of opening your Third Eye which is the gateway to the Quantum Field where all possibilities await you to experience oneness of Pure Consciousness-Pure Love and to co-create with God/Goddess.

Our ancient ancestors used plant based medicines-psychedelics to reach these multidimensional states and the evolution of human beings, I believe, is due to psychedelics and the raising of Kundalini to the Third Eye which gave mystical experiences and wisdom. Psychedelics are amazing initially, Cannabis is a natural healer that heightens our consciousness and before organised religion when people worshiped Mother Nature which is our true origin, they burned Cannabis in the temples which opened their minds and hearts to receive spiritual guidance.  Yet the Divine has already given us miraculous natural chemicals and psychedelics within. The holy parts of our brains are the sacred heavens and our magical bodies are the sacred laboratories for us to claim our true potential and birthright as our own divine awakener, healer and manifestor and to be the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine we are destined to be!




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Session Type

1-1 Workshop, Zoom Workshop, 1-1 Course, Zoom Course